Friday, October 12, 2012

Hello world!!!

Although I have started these project years ago, only now I took the courage to start writing.

What it's this blog about? The good things- things that I do with pleasure: maps, travel and other stuff. The bad things - things that are not so good but I still do it (watch football, play football management games), which take a lot of my spare time and produce an equal amount of discomfort sensation (who knows how it feels like when your favorite football team loses even if it had two goals ahead, knows what am I talking about). The ugly section will be populated with dumb things that I see or hear/read about in my day by day life.

The (A) team:
 Me and my girlfriend Catalina.

Our bosses: Bubu (near) and Sasha (far).

The presentation:
Me - the geek IT addicted type who also enjoys endless walks/camping in wilderness. Currently employed as CAD technician in an architecture firm. By the next year (I hope) I'll be a geographer.
Main interests: geography (with special interests in mineralogy, cartography, tourism), travels and more.
Catalina - the artist - the handy-woman, very good at crafting various items, from jewelry to clothing. Geographer, master degree in GIS and territorial planning. currently employed as pedologist.
Bubu - the love me, feed me and never leave me type of cat. Always trying to sit in your lap. It belong to Cata.
Sasha -  the leave me alone stupid!!! type of cat, the independent one. Tolerates humans only because they have the power to bring food. It belongs to me.

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