Friday, October 12, 2012

The ugly will cover some aspects I have encountered in my travels, from houses which have been badly constructed to roads or just human gestures.

I'll start with to of the most impressive (at least for me) - two careers, one of sulfur and the other of gold.
First is situated in Calimani mountains and a year ago it looked like this:
Calimani mountains sulfur career
Now it is rehabilitated. Long story short: a peek (Negoiul Romanesc) was erased to extract sulfur for the chemical industry. the extraction took place from 70's to aproximately 2000. More info about this subject you''ll find at
We got in that zone three times and the sensation was awful even if the surrounding landscape is one of the most impressive in the country..

The second place I want to mention is one that nowadays is quite famous: Rosia Montana. There is the only mayor in the world that doesn't want that a place in his administration to become a UNESCO place. It's about a gold career. It has been shut down by the government for years and now a private company want's to buy it. The problem is that the company wants to extract gold using cyanide. Also 7 peaks from the area will be erased with the human settlements. UNESCO want to add this site to it's heritage because of existence of the longest networks of roman mines.
For now, the company and some ngo's are fighting each other.
Some pictures from the career taken about a month ago:

I seems humans just don't learn anything from history.

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